Baotram Nguyen was an undergraduate student at the University of Pennsylvania majoring in biochemistry. Baotram worked in the lab from May 2018 to May 2021. She is originally from Reading, PA. At Penn, Baotram was a member of the Vietnamese Students Association, Penn Newman Center, and a volunteer at HUP. In her free time, Baotram likes to sing, read, and play volleyball. Baotram went on to pursue clinical research at CHOP.


Cheng, W.*, S. Wang*, Z. Zhang, D.W. Morgens, L.R. Hayes, S. Lee, B. Portz, Y. Xie, B.V. Nguyen, M.S. Haney, S. Yan, D. Dong, A.N. Coyne, J. Yang, F. Xian, D.W. Cleveland, Z. Qiu, J.D. Rothstein, J. Shorter, F-B. Gao, M.C. Bassik, and S. Sun. (2019). CRISPR-Cas9 screens identify the RNA helicase DDX3X as a repressor of C9ORF72 (GGGGCC)n repeat-associated non-AUG translation. Neuron. 104(5):885–898. pdf file link (*Co-first author).

Rodriguez, D., B. Nguyen, and G. Soesanto. (2019). The Implication of Mutated FUS in ALS. YouTube. YouTube, 22nd April, 2019. Web. link




Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
University of Pennsylvania